#088 FROM A P.O. BOX

Desert Oracle, PO Box 1735, Joshua Tree CA 92252

A tarnished brass key, a small locked box, a sequence of magical numbers, a charmless old block building in the desert. It is here that we visit in the night, keeping our distance, looking for sustenance. It is here we receive your offerings of words and other treasure. All we mean is this: Tonight’s show is all about the letters from you, letters from our listening community, letters and their replies.

Weird new soundscapes tonight from our own RedBlueBlackSilver.

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If you enjoy the program, please leave a review on iTunes—even if you listen through a different podcast device, Apple Podcasts owns the reviews & charts business, for now. Really helps people discover the show.


dreams coronavirus Carl Jung

We’ve all been dreaming a lot more than usual, or so it seems. But what happens when we all begin dreaming the same dream? #086: NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET, a new 28-minute episode, with a new soundscape track by RedBlueBlackSilver. Sounds best on the radio at night but you can listen now, because it goes well with a rainy desert day, too.

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Hear the show on terrestrial radio station KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree on Friday nights at 10 p.m. Want the show on YOUR community radio station? We are distributed by PRX, and available to radio stations wherever they are. Pre-order the new hardback Desert Oracle Vol. I,, if you’d like!

Thanks always & especially to our dear & beloved patrons. Join the Desert Oracle Radio private discussion group, if you are so inclined.

Subscribe to our podcast or listen at 10 p.m. Friday nights on the good old radio: KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert. We’re also on Spotify and Pandora and Stitcher and iHeart & all the rest. May Saint Minerva bless and keep you, always. ❇️


California author/mystic/philosopher Erik Davis delivers a bracing message on the wisdom of engaging with our very weird & sinister modern world, as we return to our Desert Oracle Institute studio and get back to the good old sound you once claimed to love. Plus: desert intuition and recently seen Wonders in the Sky.

Listen to the podcast or listen tonight on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert, Fridays at 10 p.m. Strange new sounds by RedBlueBlackSilver.

PS—Desert Oracle’s Ken Layne will appear on Ancient Aliens tonight, 9 p.m. on the History Channel.



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Here’s our broadcast from Furstwurld in Joshua Tree. What a weird & pleasant scene. If you want to come to our events, take a look at our Events Calendar, and maybe come to our Halloween Campfire Stories at the Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs, 7 p.m. sharp at the Commune firepit, Thursday, October 31. (Use the code DESERTORACLE to get a room discount.) And yes we have a Patreon now, which means we are humbly seeking your membership to support Desert Oracle Radio, our Desert Oracle field guide, and all the curious events & performances we do up here in the desert.

Get the podcast on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, TuneIn and the rest of the gang.

This live show featurs an intriguing assortment of RedBlueBlackSilver soundscapes! (The Band Kokomo performed on this show, too, and we will be including some of those performances in our next broadcasts.)And remember to listen Fridays at 10 p.m. on Z107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Twentynine Palms & across the High Desert, “from Amboy to Zzyzx.”


Our Friday night broadcast is now gussied up and available as a podcast. Weird calls, haunting music from our guests The Band Kokomo, and strange desert tales of coyotes and flying saucers. Plus an intriguing assortment of RedBlueBlackSilver soundscapes!

Become a Patron!

Take a look at our new Events Calendar, packed with October live shows and Halloween Campfire Stories and all sorts of stuff. Get the podcast on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, TuneIn and the rest of the gang.

Thanks to everybody who attended our live performance at FurstWurld. We will have that show ready for you next week, broadcasting this coming Friday at 10 p.m. on Z107.7 FM in Joshua Tree.

ADVERTISERS: You can now sponsor Desert Oracle Radio. Write to radio@desertoracle.com for information.


On a lovely spring evening in 2019 we had a little UFO festival here in the High Desert, with a screening of Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers, a Q&A with director Jeremy Corbell, plus your Desert Oracle Radio host preaching to the choir, as it were. RedBlueBlackSilver hosted the event and performed live. It was spooky and beautiful. Tonight’s show will serve as a fine introduction if you want to watch the Lazar movie on Netflix.

Natalie Bahl (@natalie.terese.bahl) was there and snapped some pictures. The one up top has something the others lack: two unidentified flying objects. Your host did attempt to invoke some UFOs, so maybe it worked?

No UFOs here, but that’s RedBlueBlackSilver on the left.

Beautiful sky, no UFOs.

Listen on the radio tonight in Joshua Tree, KCDZ 107.7 FM. Or subscribe to the podcast. Or listen right here on this website, if you don’t mind:


Our favorite magazine writer (and now book author) Rachel Monroe joins us to talk about some weird stuff she’s got going on, back in the sheds, in Marfa. ALSO: What is the situation with the Pentagon and the New York Times and the UFOs? Are we trusting spies and brass now? What a bunch of suckers we are. But there’s something going on, and it’s not just the dicey Pentagon stuff. New sounds from RedBueBlackSilver, everything you want in a single episode of Desert Oracle Radio, right here in the very episode we’re talking about.

Here the broadcast on KCDZ FM 107.7 FM in the High Desert, “From Amboy To Zzyzx,” it’s the Voice of the Desert on your Friday night radio. Get the podcast by throwing your phone about twenty feet while yelling “Subscribe to Desert Oracle Radio.” PS—Our new issue is out and it’s a good one! Click here to subscribe or pick up a copy at your favorite cool place in Joshua Tree, Pioneertown, Yucca Valley, Morongo Valley, 29 Palms and Wonder Valley. Or in Moab, at Back of Beyond Books. Or in a whole bunch of interesting city shops.


Every weird story that you almost want to believe is required, by cosmic law, to have a Goofball Factor. What is the Goofball Factor? And how does it end up on the front page of the New York Times?

New episode tonight, 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, with (mostly) new sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver, plus this weird goblin recording we got off the radio driving through the Owens Valley a few years ago.

Don’t forget the UFO SOCIAL CLUB at the airport bar (on the airstrip in Yucca Valley), Thursday 5/16 at 7 or so. Maybe 8. It’s not a performance. You will have to entertain yourself. Which is the best way to get it done. And yes we are busily mailing out subscriber copies of ISSUE #8. Order a subscription if you don’t already have one. Or pick up a copy at your favorite Hi-Dez shop. It’s our “revenue stream.” (Sometimes.)

Subscribe to the podcast wherever you get ’em: iTunes or Stitcher or Spotify or etc. And did you know we are on Instagram for some reason? (The reason is crass self-promotion.)


10 p.m. tonight, Z 107.7 FM, it’s a new episode all about the conspiracies. We speak with Anna Merlan about her new book, REPUBLIC OF LIES. There was apparently a “UFO social club” in the High Desert, too, and we have the proof. Unless it has been redacted. (And why was Jeremy Corbell phoning in??)

New sounds tonight by RedBlueBlackSilver. Click that link for information about our April 27 night of UFO movies and performances (plus your host doing various duties) at the Joshua Tree Astronomy Arts Theater.

Subscribe at iTunes or Stitcher or wherever you choose to get your podcasts. Or better yet: Listen live at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Pioneertown, Landers, Morongo Valley, Flamingo Heights, Wonder Valley—”from Amboy to Zzyzx,” and across the Great Mojave Wilderness.

PHOTO CREDIT: John Prado Photography, for Alta Journal.